How To Feed Your Cat: Instantly Calculate The Ideal Amount of Food For Your Pet with feeding Chart

Whether your pet is an old soul who can smell lying and cheating, or a young pup that craves kibbles all day long, every pet has their own unique feeding needs. Understanding when to feed your pet can be tricky at first, but with time and patience it gets easier. Read on to learn more about feeding your pet the right amount of food. Whether you’re looking for advice on what type of food you should feed your cat, dog or any other type of pet, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we discuss everything from calculating the ideal amount of food for your pet to understanding their nutritional requirements.

How to Calculate the Ideal Amount of Food for Your Pet

First things first: There are several factors that go into calculating the ideal amount of feed for your pet. - Your pet’s age - As your pet gets older, the amount of food you feed them gradually decreases. The age you bring your pet home has a huge impact on their nutritional requirements as well. - The weight of your pet - The amount of food you feed your pet is based on their weight, or how much they weigh compared to how much you weigh. - The type of food you feed your pet - Every pet is different, and they have their own nutritional requirements. Certain types of food are better suited for specific pet diets, while others can be mixed together to create a pet food blend. - The pet food you buy - There are many different brands and varieties of pet food available today. It’s important to buy a food with high nutritional value and low amounts of filler ingredients. - The feeding schedule - Ideally, your pet should be fed twice a day. It’s best if both feedings are scheduled by when you’re awake and hungry. - The feeding location - Where you choose to feed your pet is just as important as what you feed them. Certain pet foods are best for dry foods, while others are better suited for canned foods. It’s important to feed your pet in a location that is safe and sanitary.

Use below chart to calculate the ideal food amount for your pet.

How to Convert Calories into Portion Sizes

Once you’ve determined how many calories your cat needs every day, you need to figure out how much of their food will provide those calories. Thankfully, manufacturers are required to list a food’s caloric content on the label. On wet food labels, it will be written as kcal/kg and kcal/can. On dry food, it will be written as kcal/cup. Don't be intimidated by the lingo; in nutrition circles, a kcal (kilocalorie) is the same as a calorie.

Divide your cat’s caloric needs (kcal/day) by the food’s caloric content (kcal/can or cup). The answer will let you know how much food your cat needs each day. To figure out how much food to feed at each meal, simply divide the daily amount of food by the number of meals you plan to offer each day.

Understanding a pet’s nutritional requirements

When it comes to feeding your pet, it’s important to understand their nutritional requirements as well. The nutritional requirements of pets vary based on the different breeds, ages, sizes and health conditions of your pet. - Adult pets - It’s best to feed your adult pet with 70% of their body weight as food. This will ensure they get the right amount of nutrients without gaining too much weight. - Oestrous or pregnant pets - It’s best to feed your pet during pregnancy and while they’re in oestrus. During oestrus, your pet will become extremely hungry and will eat excessively. - Younger pets - Younger pets need fewer nutrients than adult pets. It’s best to feed your pet with 30% of their body weight. - Pets with specific health conditions - Some pets have specific nutritional needs based on their health conditions. It’s best to feed your pet with their specific needs in mind.

How much food does your pet eat per day?

The amount of food you feed your pet depends on a few factors, like their weight, the food you buy, the feeding schedule and the location of where you buy their food. - Dry food - Dry food is usually based on kibble, while some canned foods are made up of just pieces of food. Dry food usually has less water content than wet canned foods, making it easier to store. - Wet food - Wet foods usually come in cans, while other types of food come in mixtures of wet and dry ingredients. Wet foods usually have more water content and are best for cats and dogs that are lactating. - Healthy pets - Feeding your pet with a healthy diet is important for their long-term health. It’s best to feed your pet with 70% of their body weight. - Pets with specific health conditions - Feeding a special diet for your pet can help avoid complications associated with some health conditions. It’s best to feed your pet with their specific nutritional needs in mind.

5 Tips for Feeding a Healthy Pet

Feeding your pet the right amount of food is important for their long-term health, but it’s also important to feed them the right type of food. - Understand your pet’s nutritional requirements - Feeding your pet the right amount of food is important for their long-term health and well-being. - Feed at the right time - Feeding your pet at the right time can help prevent obesity and other health complications. - Choose the right pet food - There are many different types of pet foods available today, and it can be confusing to know which one is best for your pet. - Store the right way - Storing food properly can help your pet maintain their nutritional value and prevent spoilage. - Feed a healthy blend - The right blend of healthy pet food can promote a balanced diet for your pet.


Feeding your pet the right amount of food can be tricky at first, but it gets easier with time. Understanding when to feed your pet is important, and it can help prevent obesity and other health conditions. It’s important to feed your pet the right type of food, store it properly, and feed them a healthy blend.


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