My Turtle: The Adventures of a Pet Turtle - Everything About Turtles

Did you know that turtles are one of the oldest freshwater pet species? They’ve been around for over 100 million years, which makes them some of the oldest pets around. These reptiles are a great choice if you have kids or live in an apartment. Turtles are friendly and require little maintenance. The only downside is that they don’t make great indoor pets because they need to spend time in the sunlight every day to regulate their temperature and shed their outer skin. If you can deal with this drawback, here are some helpful tips on how to take care of your pet turtle:

Don’t be afraid of water

Turtles are not meant to live in the water 24/7. They are called “terrestrial” reptiles because they do spend part of their lives living in water. When you first get your pet turtle, you can let them explore the water dish or a bowl that is filled with water. But, as they get older and bigger, they will need to live in the water so they can get a great deep breath. You can put a large bowl of water in your bedroom or other quiet, sunny spot. Some species prefer colder water, so you may want to keep it in a dish. Make sure there’s a way for your turtle to get out of the water without getting out of the bowl. Turtles may stay in the water for a few hours at a time, but they will always come out to eat, drink, and take a nap.

Only buy trusted brands

There are many unscrupulous pet retailers out there who sell fake pets. If you’re not sure whether a retailer is reputable, ask if they are a member of the Association of Reptile and Amphibian Breeders (ARAB) or the American Vivarium Society (AVS). These organizations only let members sell animals who are bred according to strict guidelines and standards. There are several organizations that regulate the pet trade, but they aren’t as strict as these organizations. If you see a turtle for sale that is too cheap or is sold by an unprofessional retailer, you can be sure it’s fake. Turtle food, substrate, and nesting materials can also be fake. These are easy to fake, so only buy them from trusted retailers. You can also ask a professional herp vet or herp enthusiast for recommendations on reliable vendors.

Know the difference between breeds and species

There are thousands of different species of turtles. Therefore, there are also many different types of turtles. For example, the red-eared slider is an aquatic turtle that is found in the U.S., while the green tree turtle is mostly found in the U.S. but also in Central and South America. It’s important to know the difference between breeds and species because different species have different care requirements. There are many different turtle breeds, but only a few of them are commonly kept as pets. If you are interested in keeping a certain turtle, you can research its care requirements and traits to decide which one is best for you. For example, the red-eared slider is commonly kept as a pet, but it is an aggressive species. So, if you’re new to turtles, it may not be a good choice for you.

Feed a varied diet

Like most pets, turtles also have dietary requirements that need to be met. If you just feed your pet turtle a diet that consists of dog food or cat food, they will get sick and die. Turtles belong to the reptile group, so they are carnivorous. This means that they eat meat, so you need to feed them food that is high in protein. You can buy mixed bird feed, shelled peas, or a variety of veggies. Make sure you change the water daily and feed your pet turtle every day. You can also add vitamins and minerals to their diet to make sure they are healthy. Make sure you don’t overdo it, though. Too much food can cause your pet to gain weight and become constipated.

Change water frequently

Just like humans, turtles are animals and need to drink water. You may have noticed that pet turtles often burrow into the soil. This is because they like to dig in soil to find small animals and to get rid of their waste. When you change the water in your water bowl, you are changing the water in their intestine. When turtles get too much water in their intestine, they expel it through their cloaca, which is the term for the external opening. This makes the environment in their home a little messier, but it also keeps your pet healthy and makes them feel better. If you notice that your pet is not drinking as much water as usual, you may want to give them more food than water. Or, if they aren’t burrowing into the soil, they may be too full from eating too much. You can also change the water when the bowl looks dirty and your pet isn’t digging in the soil. This will make them expel the waste in the water and keep your pet healthy.


If you’re interested in keeping a pet turtle as a pet, it’s important to keep in mind that they are not ideal for an indoor environment. They require a large, outdoor habitat with a water source. They can also be aggressive towards other turtles, so you need to be sure that they are the species you want to keep as pets. They are great for families because they are low maintenance and make great pets for kids. They also can help teach kids about caring for other living things since they are so gentle. The key to taking care of your pet turtle is to make sure you’re feeding them a diet that is high in protein and changing the water in their home regularly.


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