Why cats are the best pets for you and why everyone should have cats?

The Internet is filled with people bragging about how much they love their cat, but why do so many people feel that way? Is it just because cats are trendy right now? Does having a cat give you some sort of street cred? Are urban hipsters the only ones who can be “that cool” cat owner who has a pet AND knows it? Cats have been our feline friends for over 10,000 years. They are probably the oldest domesticated animal on the planet and there are more than 500 million of them in homes today. So what makes cats so popular as pets? And why should you have one too? Let's take a closer look at why cats make great pets:

Cats are great companions

When you have a pet, there is a sense of companionship that comes with it. You can talk to it, share feelings and stories, and just have someone to talk to in general. Cats have been bred to make excellent companions for us humans, and they are very good at this. No matter what mood you are in, your cat will be there for you, be it for cuddles when you are sad or just being there for you when you need to vent out things. Having this constant companion will help you never feel lonely or bored, no matter how bad things may get. Cats are extremely loyal and loving animals. When you are home, they will not leave your side. And when you are asleep, they will be right there by your side, sitting on your chest or on the pillow next to your face. They will not leave your side unless they absolutely have to. They are extremely non-demanding and independent animals, so you don’t have to worry about them getting bored and doing something destructive.

Cats can help relieve stress and anxiety

Cats have been known for their therapeutic benefits for centuries. There are many studies and research that have proven that having a cat can help reduce stress and anxiety, especially for people with mental disorders. It has been proven that people who have a cat in their lives are less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety than those who don’t have a feline friend. Cats are very good at helping you unwind, either by cuddling with you or just being there while you do some activity you enjoy. Having a cat can help you relax and unwind after a long and stressful day at work, school or even after an argument with a friend or a family member. Cats are very good at calming humans down, no matter what the situation is. Their purring is magical, and you can use it to help you relax and unwind after a long and stressful day.

Cats are eco-friendly

Yes, this might sound like a broken record, but it’s true. Cats are extremely eco-friendly pets, especially if you get an outdoor cat. Yes, cats can be indoor pets and be eco-friendly too, but outdoor cats are even more eco-friendly. That’s because cats that are indoor pets have to be fed and be taken to the vet on a more frequent basis, which isn’t eco-friendly at all. Outdoor cats don’t have to worry about these things and can live off of their natural instincts. They will eat all sorts of insects, like bugs, rats and mice, which can help keep those pests away from your home. They also hunt and kill birds, which is great, because birds can cause a lot of damage to crops and even to people’s homes, who don’t want to deal with a giant mess of feathers, droppings and nests.

Cats are also very easy to take care of

Cats are also very easy to take care of, especially compared to dogs. You don’t have to walk them, you don’t have to give them baths, groom them or anything like that. All you have to do is take them to a vet at least once a year for their checkups, give them food and water, and clean their litter box from time to time. Cats don’t need a lot of attention, unless you want them to have more attention. You can play with them, cuddle with them, or just let them be as independent as they want to be. You can also let them have as much outside time as they want to have, and as often as they want to have it.

Cats are funny, weird and quirky

Cats are very funny, weird and quirky creatures. They do things that make us humans scratch our heads, wondering what they are thinking, but they do it because they enjoy it. You can find millions of videos online of cats doing just about anything; jumping off of things, climbing inside weird places, or just laying down in the most awkward positions possible. Cats are very entertaining to watch and have, therefore, become a huge trend online. Cats are also very weird and quirky because they do things that we don’t understand. They meow at things that are inanimate, they swat at things that aren’t there, or they sit there and stare at you as if they expect something from you. Cats have their own set of rules, and we humans have to follow them too if we want them to be our furry friends.

Cats are great for people with allergies

Cats are also great for people who have allergies. There are many cats that don’t shed hair, and those who do, shed very little. Having a cat in your home can greatly reduce the amount of hair on your furniture, carpets and even your clothes. Cats that don’t shed hair don’t really leave any hair behind, which is great for allergy sufferers. If you have allergies, don’t worry, because you can still have a cat, and you won’t have to worry about your allergies, unless you are allergic to the dander and the smell of the litter box. The litter box can be cleaned regularly, so that there is no smell.


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