Sarabi Characteristics Guide: Tips for the Sarabi Dog Owners

Anyone who has had a dog knows that they can be quite aloof. Most dogs won’t greet you when you get home or even look at you. However, this isn’t the case with Sarabi, the Egyptian Spitz. Sarabi is a friendly dog and loves being around people. She is also a very active one too; she needs plenty of exercises every day to keep her happy and healthy. Let’s take a quick look at what it takes to raise and care for this pup:

Be active yourself to help your pup find her own activity

Sarabi loves to be outside and play, but she also likes to be inside. She’s a very social dog and loves meeting new people. You should let her meet as many new people as possible; this will help her social skills and also make her feel more comfortable around humans. You can also take her to obedience classes to teach her some manners and give her something to do while you’re trying to find your own activity. This can help her burn some energy, as well as have another thing to focus on while you’re trying to find your own routine.

Train your pup to be a canine citizen

Dogs are very social creatures that learn language and customs from their human companions. However, the older your pup gets, the more likely she is to misbehave. This is because she has a better idea of what’s expected of her and what isn’t. She has a better idea of what is disrespectful and rude. If you don’t train her as a puppy, you’ll have to train her as an adult. This is something that every dog owner should do, no matter how old their pup is. With the right training, your pup will be polite and respectful around other people and animals.

Don’t walk your pup on a hard leash and supervise playtime

Dogs are social creatures that love to be with people. However, they are also very curious creatures with big personalities that like to be in charge. If you let your pup walk on a leash while you’re at home, be sure to take the leash off when you leave the house. Put your shoes away and close the door to discourage your pup from exploring your home. Put her in a room and close the door so she can’t go exploring when you’re gone. If your pup is allowed to explore your home while you’re away, she’ll be tempted to get into things she shouldn’t. This will teach your pup that her human is not in charge. When you bring your pup outside to play, walk her on a leash that’s short enough so that you can easily supervise her playtime.

Encourage your pup by praising good behavior

You can encourage your pup to do good behavior by praising her. If she sits, give her a treat. If she walks nicely on a leash, praise her. If she’s quiet while you’re at home, praise her. Praising your pup will teach her that good behavior gets you treats and attention. Dogs are social creatures that thrive on attention and praise, so this is a good strategy. It will also make your pup feel more comfortable around people and possibly even make her a little less pushy.

Get your pup certified in obedience

Sarabi is an intelligent dog and could be a fantastic agility competitor. However, agility is not for everyone and can be stressful for some dogs. If your pup likes the idea of agility, get her certified in basic obedience so that she can pass the test for her dog license. This will make her a well-rounded dog that is comfortable in public places while also being able to come when called. It will also help her in an emergency situation if she’s ever lost.

Keep an eye out for common health issues

Spitz is a very healthy breed. However, like all breeds, they may develop certain health conditions. You should regularly take your dog to the vet for a checkup and shots. Your vet will be able to spot any health issues early when they are most likely to be cured.

Love your Sarabi to ensure a lifetime of joy

The best way to love your Sarabi is to give her lots of loving attention. She will love you back in return if you play with her, feed her, and give her attention when she wants it. Your Sarabi will be a happier and healthier dog if you do these things for her. She will love you even more for it too!


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