How to Train Your Basset Hound: Tips to Make Training Your Hounds Easier

Training Your Basset Hound can be a lot of fun, but it can also be challenging. These adorable dogs are very sweet and easy to love, which is probably why so many people have them as their pets. However, they can be challenging as well. They need basic obedience training from a young age, or else they will quickly lose their trust and begin to show other canine behaviors. Training your Basset Hound won’t be as hard if you understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Fortunately, this article has everything you need to know about training your basset hounds: how to break training into small steps, the best dog training tools that you can use and tips on how to make things easier for both you and your pet. Read on for more information about how to train your basset hound.

How to Train a Basset Hound: The Basics

There are many ways to train your basset hounds but the best method for you depends on several factors, including your experience level, the age of your dog, which aspects of training you’d like to focus on and, of course, your budget. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to training your basset hounds and you’ll have to tailor your approach to suit your particular needs. If you have a puppy and are just trying out some commands, you may want to focus more on basic obedience, such as not bothering other people, not chewing on things and not stealing food from your hands. On the other hand, if you have an adult basset hound, you may wish to spend more time practicing basic obedience until the leash becomes second nature to both of you. There are a few different forms of obedience training for dogs that you may wish to try depending on your preferences and your hound’s personality.

Crate Training for Dogs

Crate training is an effective way to teach your dog basic obedience from an early age. A crate is basically a dog room, which can be used for sleeping in and for confinement when your basset hound is crated. While most dogs enjoy being in a crate, some find it stressful to be confined and may develop anxiety around the crate. If your hound has these anxieties, you’ll want to find ways to reduce the crate’s anxiogenic properties. One way to do this is with a crate-training playlist, which can help to calm your dog while they’re crated. You can also provide your hound with toys and treats while they’re in the crate.

Teaching your Basset Hound commands

When it comes to teaching new commands to your basset hound, keep it simple at first. Start with words that your hound already knows, such as “sit,” “down,” and “come.” If you also want your hound to know how to “high-five,” there are many how-to videos on YouTube that can teach you how to make a high-five with your dog. Once you and your hound have the basic commands down, you can move on to teaching your hound new tricks. There are many great tricks for dogs, but first you will want to decide what type of tricks you want to teach your hound. Some examples include freestyle tricks where you teach your hound a trick and then let them run around and show it to you in their own way, like “high-fives” and “frisbees.” Other tricks include basic obedience tricks, like “sit” and “down,” or tricks that your hound could help with, like “fetch.”

Teach Housebreaking to your Basset Hound

Housebreaking your basset hound is incredibly important for their health, both for your own peace of mind and for your dog’s overall well-being. If your hound has an accident in their crate, on your floor or in your yard, you don’t want them to be uncomfortable or have to deal with any potential health issues related to the accident. Housebreaking your basset hound can be tricky for a few reasons. First, they’re a very clean dog, so they may not like the idea of eliminating on command. Second, they’re a very short-term oriented dog, so they may not feel like they’re in a “doing it right” mindset. Third, they’re a very high-energy dog, which may make housebreaking frustrating for them.

Teach Leash Walking to your Basset Hound

Basset hounds are very clumsy and may trip over their own feet. This is especially true for older hounds, which can have stiff joints and arthritis. If your hound is prone to tripping, it’s best to teach them to walk on a leash from a young age. This way, they’ll know to walk on a leash, rather than making you or other passers-by the ones to correct their mistakes. There are many ways to train your hound to walk on a leash. You can use treats and/or a leash. You can also use your hound’s own fear-based learning, where they walk on leash after walking off leash, but then use treats and/or a leash to get them to stop.

Teach Your Basset Hounds Not to Jump on You or Others

If your hounds have been jumping on you, it’s time to stop it. These dogs are very loving and open, but they have a mischievous side that they may not have learned to control. While it may be cute to see your hound jump on you, it’s best to teach them that it’s not OK. There are many ways to do this. You can take away their favorite toy or place, and make them earn their favorite toy back. You can also use a correction like “leave it” or use a leash. These measures will teach your hounds not to jump on you or others by making them earn what they want.


Basset hounds are loyal dogs that are sweet, loving and very gentle - but also mischievous and extremely playful. They are playful dogs that are great with children but also enjoy being pampered by their owners. They are great dogs for families who want a gentle companion. Training your basset hound is important, but it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. With the right approach, you can train your hound to obey simple commands and not bother anyone in their household.


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