Winter Cat Care Guide: How to Keep Your Kitty Warm and Safe

The winter season is the most vulnerable time for your cat. They’re forced indoors and exposed to extreme weather fluctuations. The result is that they don’t eat, sleep, or use the bathroom properly which puts them at risk of getting sick and becoming malnourished. Keeping your cat healthy and happy during the winter requires a little extra TLC. Luckily, keeping your kitty inside with you as much as possible is a breeze as long as you have the right tips. Keep reading to learn how you can keep your cat safe and warm this winter!

Plan a weekday routine for your cat

Whether you live in a single-family home or a condo in a big city like New York City, your cat will likely be indoors during the winter months. If your cat is an indoor cat like most of the cats I’ve worked with, then she’ll likely be inside a lot during the winter. There are some simple tricks you can do to make your kitty’s winter easier on her. First, plan a weekday routine for your cat. Let her know that there are certain times during the day when you will be home. Set up a feeding schedule that works for both of you. Cats prefer their food to be available at certain times of the day, so don’t switch it around or your kitty may not eat. If you have a dog, you can create a “cat-free zone” during certain times. Cats have a very specific hierarchy when it comes to their food. If your cat is shown that she might get fed before your dog does, she might be less likely to eat when your dog is around.

Feed your cat a quality food

Cats are finicky eaters and they have very specific dietary needs. If you feed your cat a cheap diet, she’ll likely become malnourished and sick. Cats require a high-quality diet with the appropriate amounts of nutrients. While there are many good dry foods on the market, your best bet is to feed your cat a quality food. That way you can be confident that she is getting the nutrients she needs and avoiding the common diet-related health issues in cats.

Keep your kitty dry and warm during the day

When it’s cold outside, your cat will likely want to get out and explore. When this happens, try to keep her inside. Cats want to be outside and they will try to find a way out. This can be dangerous for your cat if she gets wet while out exploring. Keeping your kitty warm and dry will help her stay safe while adventuring around. Cats are naturally going to want to get out during the cold weather. Keeping her dry will help limit the amount of wetness she gets. How you keep your kitty dry will depend on the cat and the weather. If it’s raining, you can try to keep your cat indoors. If it’s wet outside, you can try to keep your cat indoors with a towel draped over the door to help reduce the amount of wetness your cat is getting in.

Create a cozy sleeping spot for your kitty at night

If your cat is an indoor cat and is fed a quality diet, she’ll likely be in good health. However, if your cat is an older cat and is underweight, she might not be able to regulate her body temperature. If this happens, she’ll likely be too cold at night and wake you up to get warm. If your kitty is an indoor cat and gets underweight, create a cozy sleeping spot for her on the inside of the house. If your kitty is an outdoor cat and gets underweight, create a cozy sleeping spot for her in her outdoor enclosure. If your cat is an outdoor cat and is underweight, she might need to be brought inside. This is especially true during the winter months if it’s cold outside and wet outside (as this combination can be dangerous for your cat).

Don’t let your cat outdoors when it’s cold or wet

If it’s cold or wet outside, don’t let your cat outside. Cats are naturally curious and adventurous, but they are also fragile creatures that need to be protected from the elements. If it’s cold or wet outside, keep your cat indoors. You can create a “cat-free zone” in your home or yard where your cat can safely be kept away from other pets and people. If it’s cold or wet outside, make sure to provide your cat with a warm, dry place to curl up. You can create a “cat-free zone” in your home or yard where your cat can safely be kept away from other pets and people.

Be safe when giving your cat outside access

Make sure to have your cat let you know when she needs to go outside and use the bathroom. If it’s cold outside and your cat is unable to use the bathroom, bring her inside and try again in a few hours. If your cat has outside access, keep her inside and make sure to clean up after her. Make sure to have your cat let you know when she needs to go outside and use the bathroom. If it’s cold outside, your cat might not be able to hold it as long. Make sure to bring her indoors as soon as she has to go. If your cat has outside access, make sure to keep her inside and make sure to clean up after her. You can create a “cat-free zone” in your home or yard where your cat can safely be kept away from other pets and people.


Keeping your cat warm, dry, and fed during the cold winter months will help her stay healthy and happy. There are a few extra precautions you can take to keep your cat safe when it’s cold outside. Make sure to feed your cat a high-quality diet, keep him dry and warm when it’s cold outside, and make sure to keep him indoors when it’s cold and wet outside.


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